Elementary school is where schooling becomes more serious. Most of the time is enjoyed in studying rather than playing. Their inquisitive minds enjoy the hands-on experience of experiments.
Multiple experiences are enjoyed by our students in their development. Regular field trips to many places ensure that they have a broad understanding of the world around them and allow them to engage in experiences that are not in the classroom. Our annual, customized optional school trip overseas is one of these experiences that students look forward to.
Our school is multicultural with a number of nationalities. Approximately half of the students have a foreign passport and speak other languages. With these languages come other cultures that open our eyes to other possibilities and thereby enriching the experiences of all our students.
From Grade 4, Stanford Standardized testing begins. These tests are used to evaluate our students and to compare them with their peers in America. This enables students to see whether their best effort can be improved upon, or whether it truly is their best.

We Follow The Program Of Griggs International Academy
This balanced, adapted American program is compliant with the Maryland State Education Department in America and contains the following subjects:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Training
What Schools Do Our Graduates Go To?
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