Entrance Fee JPY 110,000 JPY 330,000
Annual Building Fee JPY 165,000 JPY 165,000
Text Book / Material Fee JPY 58,200 G1 – 5 JPY 187,000
G6 – 8  JPY 233,000
G9 – 12  JPY 477,540
Annual Tuition JPY 1,689,600                                     12 month year JPY 2,002,000                                10 month year
Semester Dates 1st Semester:  01 April 2024

2nd Semester:  21 October 2024

Bus Service Morning Only monthly Complimentary when available JPY 18,500
Bus Service Afternoon Only monthly JPY 18,500 JPY 18,500
Bus service Morning and afternoon monthly JPY 37,000
Summer / Spring School (per day) JPY 12,000 / day (non-Axis students) JPY 10,300 / day Axis students
JPY 12,000 / day Non-Axis Students
Open 12 months of the year. One academic year is 10 months.
Family Discount 10% Sibling discount offered for the Second child 10% Sibling discount offered for  the Second child

*Last update: 26 October 2022
*All prices may change without notice.
*A 10% Family discount is offered to all siblings of current students.
*All fees need to be paid, or a payment plan made 30 days before, each Semester begins.

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