Students with a Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 may enroll in the dual credit program. This program allows our high school students to take college level courses in high school. Upon completion, the students will have earned official university credit. If all possible courses are taken as dual credit in high school, the students may receive 8 university credits putting them in their second year.

All students are require to complete 8 hours of community service per year of high school as a graduation requirement. This reflects our belief that a well-rounded individual will be compassionate towards the society that they live in, reflecting the values that they have learnt and acquired.

Part of the high school process includes preparation for university. From how to choose the university that is right for each students, to assisting with interview skills, we make sure that our students are well positioned to enter a university of their choice anywhere in the world. 60% of our students that receive the Griggs High school diploma will go to the top 50 universities in the world.

Rigorous Program Comparable With The International Baccalaureate(IB) and Advanced Placement(AP) programs

The program of four years has students complete 24 Carnegie credits and include the following courses:

Algebra(I and II)

American Literature

American History

Art History


British Literature



Earth Science



World History

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