
The school has two bells. One bell is issued 1 minutes before the start of class and the start bell. Children are to get ready for their class when the first bell is heard by going to the bathroom, putting away the toys and whatever else is necessary to get ready.



The school will organize clubs for students who wish to attend them. New clubs may be formed by talking to the Headmaster. These are offered after the regular school hours. There is no charge for Axis International students, and students may join as many or as few as they wish. As clubs are made, they will be advertised by the school.


The school provides computers for learning purposes. Games and movies are not appropriate use unless they form part of the coursework. Students may only handle computers from Grade 3. From Grade 1 iPads with restricted access are available. 



We understand that in the case of discipline, various measures will be used in increasing intensity, and the parents will be informed of all disciplinary action taken. We encourage the parents to talk with the teacher about their child to ensure a uniform approach.

Steps followed in the disciplinary process:
1. The staff member speaks with the student. A parent should be informed at an appropriate time.
2. Staff member punishes the child (e.g. no break time, can’t play until lunch is finished.) A parent should be informed at an appropriate time.
3. The Headmaster then speaks with the child. A parent should be informed at an appropriate time.
4. Headmaster punishes the child (e.g. extra homework, stay after school) A parent should be informed at an appropriate time.
5. Parents meet with school to discuss the discipline that is not working. The school may review the child’s application.

Dress Code

While recognizing cultural differences, our dress is to be simple, modest, and neat. The school is not a place to show off the latest fashions.


Please see the section: Medicines and Drugs



Should a student notice any dangerous situations, they should notify the staff immediately.
The staff will determine if it is an emergency. If it is an emergency, the following will happen:
1. All teachers and students are asked to immediately, and calmly obey the School Secretary who will lead them to safety.
2. A designated staff member will phone and deal with the emergency services.
3. The Headmaster will try and do what is humanly possible to prevent the emergency from spreading (i.e. In the case of a fire, try to put it out.)

Emergency drills will be held from time to time in a random fashion

The school has two telephones with e-mail capability which will be used in the event of an emergency. One is dedicated for the Preschool students and the other is for the main school. It is very likely that it will be difficult to connect by voice in the event of a major disaster. In this case, please use the e-mail function; while not perfect, there should be a higher chance that that your communication will be received. These will only be switched on in the event of a disaster where we may need to evacuate the building. If we are in the building, the normal e-mail and phone numbers will apply.


Food and Snacks

Food is important. The school is unable to provide for lunch as is common for many schools in Japan. Snacks are not permitted before lunch time. Children should have a good breakfast and we want to prevent them from being filled up with sugars that make it harder for them to control their emotions. Meals should also be well balanced. Generally, children are required to eat at least half the food that their mother has packed for them.
Gum is not permitted at school.



In order to graduate the following conditions need to be met:
Grade 1 – 6: Pass all subjects within 12 calendar months from the date of ordering the materials – see Tests for more details.
Grade 7 & 8: Pass all subjects within 12 calendar months from the date of ordering the materials – see Tests for more details. A diploma from America will be issued upon completion.
Grade 9 – 12: Pass all subjects within 12 calendar months from the date of ordering the materials – see Tests for more details. A diploma from America will be issued upon completion of Grade 12. Two types of Diplomas can be issued:
College Preparatory Diploma: This is the usual diploma that is issued and requires 24 Carnegie Credits.
Standard Diploma: This diploma requires 21 Carnegie credits.



Students who are up-to-date with their studies must read English books during the holidays. A book report must be made and brought on the first day back to school. The number of books will depend on the student. A basic guide is one book per week of holiday for your level.


Homework is written in the Homework book and should be signed by a parent to indicate that the child has completed the work. Parents may check the work to see if it is correct, but do not have to. Parents should check that the work is done.
Work left or forgotten at home will count as not being done.
The purpose of the school is to study in English. The language of instruction is therefore English. For certain classes, translators have been provided and some Japanese may be used with a translator. When no translator / interpreter is supplied, English is the only language used at school.



The purpose of the school is to study in English. The language of instruction is therefore English. For certain classes, translators have been provided and some Japanese may be used with a translator. When no translator / interpreter is supplied, English is the only language used at school.

Late for School

The school monitors who comes late to school. If a child is frequently late, their willingness to attend will be questioned, and the school may ask such students to please find another school and cancel their enrollment.
Students are asked to phone the school immediately if they are going to be late for school. If a staff member cannot be reached, a message can be left on the machine.


We have a small, but growing library of books for students to use. Please feel free to borrow any book that you would like to read. Please return books that you have finished or do not want to read for other people to enjoy.


Medicine and Drugs

All medication is to be handed to the teacher who will ensure that it is taken at the appropriate time and in the proper way.
Illegal drugs and medications are not permitted at school.



Children are expected to walk neatly in two rows unless informed otherwise by a teacher. Children should listen for the teacher’s additional instructions. Teachers must ensure that they have money for necessary expenses and extra for emergencies.



The school rents parking. Please call ahead of time to make sure that there is parking for you when you arrive.
There are also commercial parking lots located around the school. Please ask the staff for directions.

Play Area

Children are not permitted to play outside the school. Classes will go to nearby parks for P.E. and other activities. Going to a park alone is not permitted.


Unedited photos will be displayed in a secure are of our website; these are not for promotional purposes, and parents are advised to be considerate of the wishes of other parents who may not wish to share a particular child’s photo in any other way. Please consult with the relevant parent if you are not sure. For the login information, please contact the school office. The school cannot be held responsible for how these pictures are used.

All photographs used for promotional material (website pages, brochures, etc.(NOT the special login area) and other promotional material) have been edited as carefully as possible to respect the wishes of those who do not wish to appear in our promotional material.



Religious education is compulsory. Church attendance is not compulsory.
We do pray at Assembly, before lunch and at the Bible class. Children who are not Christian are asked to sit quietly while the others continue. In the morning, children sing Christian hymns.


Good grades should be rewarded. The reward is as follows:

Grade 1 – 6: For every A, the student will receive a donut. For every perfect score in a core subject, two donuts will be given. In lieu of a donut, the students may convert donuts into cash on a book card. The conversion is: one A is JPY 100 on the book card.

Grade 7 – 8: For every A the student will receive two donuts. For every perfect score in a core subject, four donuts will be given. In lieu of a donut, the students way convert donuts into cash on a book card. The conversion is: one A is JPY 100 on the book card.



All students must wear a seatbelt when in a vehicle. In the school bus children under the age of seven must use the special seatbelts that have been provided. Children under the age of seven who are too large for the smaller type seatbelt must wear the adult type seatbelt.


The school does not permit the wearing of outdoor shoes inside the building. Please provide your own comfortable indoor shoes / slippers.
The appropriate shoes should be worn in the appropriate place.


Parents are asked to monitor their child’s condition. If they feel that it would be safer to keep them home, then they should please do so.

We ask that parents exercise caution with self-medication. Self- medication could hide a contagious disease if the condition is not treated in the appropriate manner. For example: coughing could just be a cold, or Tuberculosis. If the parent gives the child medication to stop coughing, the school will not realize that a sick child is at school and this could endanger the health of others. If the condition persists, we would strongly advise parents to visit a doctor.

The school may refuse to teach a student that could endanger other students with a contagious disease, and may impose a waiting period before allowing the student to come back / start school.


Please see the section: Shoes / Slippers

Spring School

This program is an optional program for most students. However, students who have fallen behind, for whatever reason, will be required to attend, and to pay the extra fee; this is not covered in the normal tuition fees.


Christian standards will be implemented at the school as interpreted by the Headmaster.

Student cards

Students are issued with student cards. They are expected to carry them at all times. If the student is late in coming to school, or cannot reach home, we ask them to contact the school to let a responsible person know where they are.

Summer School

This program is an optional program for most students. However, students who have fallen behind, for whatever reason, will be required to attend, and to pay the extra fee; this is not covered in the normal tuition fees.

Surveillance Camera

The school may use a surveillance camera to monitor our area. None of this footage is used for promotional purposes. This is used exclusively for security.



Test should be taken when children are ready or after a reasonable time has been given for studying the material.
All tests must be the student’s own work. No textbook, notes or other materials may be used to assist the student. Some test will indicate the use of a calculator or a particular book that may be used for a particular test.score for all test in a subject does not mean the subject is passed for the year. A D symbol is a below average grade. A C symbol is an average grade .The yearly pass is decided on the following:

Grade 1 – 6: No more than 3 D symbols in a subject during the year. If English is failed, then it must be taken again before a student may continue to the next grade. A failed exam may be made up with an alternate exam. This costs JPY 5,000.

Grade 7 &8: English must be passed in addition to other subjects. A failure in English will fail the student even if the other subjects are passed. Failure to pass will result in the student having to re-enroll for the whole semester and not just the test. An alternate exam is not possible.

Grade 9 – 12: English must be passed in addition to other subjects. A failure in English will fail the student even if the other subjects are passed. One alternate exam may be taken in the event of a failure. The cost of the alternate exam is JPY 10,000. A failure to pass the subject will result in the student having to re-enroll for the relevant semesters in order to pass.


Tardiness is defined as students who do not arrive before the start time. Arriving just as the bell goes, or while we are conducting the opening proceedings, is considered tardy. Three tardies will be treated as one late time.


Children, depending on age, are not permitted to go to the bathroom during class time unless it is absolutely necessary. From Grade 2, we expect children to be able to follow a routine. In Grade 1, they may still be learning that routine.


Children are asked not to bring their own toys to school to avoid fights and arguments. If any argument occurs, the school will confiscate the disputed toy where there is no clear sign of ownership.

Travel Time

School staff monitor when children leave. If they do not arrive at school / home at the expected time, the school is ready to co-operate with parents and to take appropriate action to remedy the situation.


University Courses

Students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement may petition the Academic Standards Committee at Griggs International Academy to do college courses. Any college course taken in high school will count 1 credit and not 3 or 4 credits as in university.

Keep Track About Your Child’s Activities

We believe that parent’s participation is very important for child’s progress. Through our E-mail list you’ll be getting the latest information about your child’s activities.

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