Enhance the Learning Experience
with Annual School Trips
To enhance the learning experience at we have an optional, annual school trip. The trip is comprised of two parts: one week of school-planned exploration, and a second week or two of Summer Camp. For the first exploration week, the school seeks to find a link between education and entertainment. The following is a list of some of the special activities that we have at this time (The location and activities change yearly):

Chocolate Factory
Learn how chocolate is made and make your own chocolate bar.

Kennedy Space Center
Lunch with an astronaut and exploring the facility

St. Augustines
Oldest continuous settlement in America

Fountain of Youth
What did an American town look like in the beginning?

Colonial Williamsburg
Early American life

Washington DC Sights
The White House, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Air and Space Museum

Future World

Gold Nugget
Panning for Gold

Yosemite National Park
See the redwoods – oldest trees on earth!

San Francisco
Crookedest road, Pier 35 and 39, Golden Gate Bridge

Lake Tahoe
Experience snow and ice in summer!